At the end of the day. When there's no one watching.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Mr. Rogers Is Obviously not Evil

We all know Fox & Friends is garbage television based around sensationalized non-journalism that is fed to its viewers who watch the program because it supports their already established notions of the world around them. We also know that the anchors of the show are fake tanned, plastic-faced morons who literally know nothing about how things work. Most importantly, we can all agree that it is so depressing that "Fox & Friends" is one step above "Fox & the Hound" on Google's popular searches. Speaking of Fox & Friends crushing childhood nostalgia, there's this:

The thing is, the overall argument is not that bad. We are a generation (nation) of self-entitled monsters who consume far more than we can ever hope to produce and who expect positive things to happen to us without a significant amount of work or sacrifice. But then again,  I'm not sure that this generation is more like that than any other generation. And at the very least, I am positive that the cause of this lassitude has far less to do with a children's show co-starring a sweater1, and far more to do with the fact that today the closest thing most of us come to a life-or-death problem in this country is when KFC doesn't have enough chicken so we can only buy one Double Down, not two.

And at the end of that video, blonde Fran Drescher has a point when she says of Mr. Rogers' program, "I just don't think it either hurt much, nor did it help much [sic, duh]." But Mr. Rogers Neighborhood was, of course, a show for children while Fox & Friends is on Fox News and tries to offer an authoritative view of (generally made up) current events the same way a news show would.

For this reason the blonde zombie's quote half describes the impact of Fox & Friends. It certainly doesn't help much. But it hurts. ALOT.

1 What was up with that one guy's obsession with the sweater, anyway? He just kept coming back to the sweater as though he'd never seen the show but only clips of him changing his sweater. What about the shoes? Or the entire puppet world in his house? That's wierder.

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